Mick Reber Art Prints of Cowgirls
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Mick Reber Art Prints of Cowgirls

Western artist Mick Reber is listed in Who’s Who In American Art. His work has been seen in Art In America, Art News, Art Week and other publications. He has exhibited extensively throughout the United States and was one of 20 sculptors selected for the national sculpture traveling exhibition, which toured for one year to major U.S. museums. Mick Reber has won numerous national level art awards, including the Phoenix Biennial and inclusion in the exhibiting artists federation traveling exhibition, headquartered in Vermont. In 1983 Reber was the subject of a 30-minute documentary for PBS Television, titled "Mick Reber, Wild William Bill." In 1985 Reber was included among a group of 20 artists, writers, and filmmakers to witness the installation of Christo’s 2.7 million dollar "Pont Neuf Wrapped" sculpture project in Paris, France. The work of Mick Reber is included in many public and private collections throughout the United States.

Mick Reber grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada where, he says, he developed a liking for eccentric people. This certainly shows in his work. He currently resides in Durango, Colorado

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