Martin Grelle - Wedding Preparations - Native American Print
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Martin Grelle - Wedding Preparations - Native American Print

Martin Grelle - Wedding Preparations - Native American Print

Availability:Usually ships in 5-7 business days
Total Price:$44.95

Product Description

Wedding Preparations by artist Martin Grelle

Sisters or cousins of the groom help the Cheyenne bride-to-be dress for her wedding. They dress her in new clothing they had made, combing and braiding her hair, painting her face, and hanging about her various ornaments as gifts.

A small beaded pouch hangs from her belt, in the shape of a turtle, holding her umbilical cord which was dried & placed in the pouch after her birth. A buffalo skull sits on a bed of sage. Various other items adorn the lodge, including storage bags & par fleche cases, a willow backrest and a tin trade cup,

Options available:
14 x 11 unsigned paper print for $44.95
14 x 11 signed paper print for $49.95
14 x 11 canvas giclee for $84.95
14 x 11 signed canvas giclee for $109.95
14 x 11 museum wrapped stretched & signed canvas giclee for $149.95
24 x 20 signed & numbered canvas giclee (only 150 available) for $595.00
24 x 20 artist proof signed & numbered canvas giclee (only 15 available) for $850.00
36 x 30 signed & numbered canvas giclee (only 95 available) for $1300.00
36 x 30 artist proof signed & numbered canvas giclee (only 15 available) for $1550.00
48 x 40 signed & numbered canvas giclee (only 35 available) for $2250.00
Choose from drop down menu above

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